Thursday 25 October 2012

Hey, you guys, this is a really cool website if you absolutely love fashion! I play it all the time and have loads of cool clothes. The name is stardoll and here is the link <a href="" 

Best blogger in the world

Monday 2 July 2012

Hey I'm back and a rival has been leashed ~_~. Any ways, I have been observing people's style of clothing and have come to show you most popular clothing. After this one most of them will be from Primark, one of my favourite fashion brands in London.
My subject today is side bags. Now when I say this you're probably thinking, '' Oh no, not the adidas, jd and Nike bags, I hate those!'' Well not all side bags have to be the same take a look at this side bag.
As you can see this one is covered in multicoloured ice-cream. You may also notice that little monkey on some of the ice-creams. He's called Paul-frank. So, do you think that all side bags are Jd or Adidas?
See you Later xxx
World's greatest Fashion Blogger

Saturday 2 June 2012

Hello everyone!

Happy Jubilee day! Right back to the fashion temas (that's topics in spanish), you may have seen these shoes but they come in different shapes and of course, sizes. These shoes are called Vans. Now this company doesn't only make shoes, they make things like skateboards and hats that you boys are proberly into. So they com in any colour huuu, that's so cool, i have some myself (Finally!) and they are in white. Here is the ones in blue.

Bye Bye XXX
Best Blogger Ever!

Monday 7 May 2012

Hi, again. I'm going to talk about leggings. Now these aren't ordinary leggings these are.......sweater leggings!
These were out a while ago but still look cool, take a look yourself.

Now go and buy yourself a pair. Go on what are you waiting for! Only joking! See ya! XXX
I know you can't resist.

Have you got an shamballa! I don't ;_(. For the first time I'm missing a very popular trend , this is to much for me, but the good news is I'm getting one!.... if I get paid....

Here a photo of one kind of shamballa bracelet.

Im hoping to get one soon before everyone does!


P.S. You can get them in any colour some cost more than others but it doesn't make a difference.

Sunday 29 April 2012

I've noticed a fashion chain going round, people are starting to wear glasses with silver ovals on the side, These glasses won't hurt your eyes because these are plain plastic-glass. Okay, I'm guilty, i have one too but I couldn't help it. Seeing all those people -and even celebrities-wear them made me want them more.
See you later xxx

P.S. The glasses are called Nerd/Geek glasses, what ever you'll call it.

These are the glasses

Saturday 7 April 2012

Hello Girlies (Maybe boys), this is my fashion blog were I will be posting pictures and giving advice on what I think should be trends and giving advice on outfits that match and outfits the YOU could wear!
Be sure to check my blog recently to see what I've uploaded or written because it may come in handy!
With all the love for fashion,
Gracey XX    ;)

My $up£r Power is $pending Mon£y! What's yours